If some of you thought the pond had a lot of rocks around the edges, check out the creek. These pictures are taken from the bridge and the rocks go all the way to the blue barrel (at that point the creek wanders onto the neighbors property.) And just to win all the pity I possibly can from each of you, each rock was picked up in the field, placed in the tractor bucket, dumped in the creek bed, picked up again to be put in place, usually set aside because it wasn't the right rock for the spot, picked up again, put in place (sometimes with success, sometimes, not), and on and on and on! Are you feeling the sore muscles yet? Maybe someday I'll count the rocks...just for fun! Of course, if I do, I will have to double or triple the number to be more in line with how many rocks were actually picked up! We also narrowed the creek a bit, so extra loads of dirt from other parts of the property had to be brought in and packed behind the rocks to create a new bank. It took quite a while to accomplish. I think when the grass starts to grow and we get some trees and plants put in place, it should look pretty good. Oh yea, and maybe water flowing in the creek!! Anyway, I'm onto my next rock project...making raised planting beds around some of the established trees to the east of the creek. I don't know, maybe I'm just tired, but the rocks I'm using now are different than the ones in the field, and I really think they're heavier rocks! I'll post those pics when I'm finished. Oh, and just to be fair to Monty, he has had more than his fair share of hard (and dangerous) work on the property. When I'm down playing with rocks, he's up making roads on the bulldozer, clearing trees, stumps, and blackberry bushes, moving huge rocks that make mine look like pebbles, and hanging out in the poison oak!

That looks like a lot of work, mom. It's goinmg to look so great when it's finished though! :o)
I wonder if Eve had some of those same ideas!!?
It is a good thing you are so YOUNG and SPRY!
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