Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fifty Mile Hike

So Dad and the boys survived their second fifty mile hike this summer.  Dad wasn't able to make it for all of it (on account he was spending time camping with Hyrum and I) but, he was able to be there for the toughest day!  A seventeen mile hike on rough terrain and little water supply!  I guess it was pretty grueling.  Moroni and McKay did great and really made a fashion statement along the way.  In their words..."We've been rockin' these bad boys all week!"  See for yourselves...

I'm glad I wasn't there to witness McKay standing on this cliff with VERY steep sheer drop offs on both sides...SCARY!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Um yes, scary. And I'm not talking about the cliff ... those shorts! Only they could be so bold! Ha ha!