Friday, April 29, 2011

It's Mating Season on Mossy Rocks!

It's mating season for the turkeys and this is becoming quite the pick up joint!  Can't you just hear the three tom's on the hill?  

Tom #1..."Wow, check out the feathers on that hen!"
Tom #2..."I don't know, I'm kind of a beak guy myself."
Tom #3..."Me...I like the legs.  Those are some pretty good lookin' drumsticks!"

(Click on the picture to see them better.)

And check out this guy....he's really struttin' his stuff!

Our friend has been feeding the turkeys and now there's about 40 of them that come around.  In about a month or so, we should get some good pictures of the cute little poults (which is turkey talk for chicks!)  Did you know that a turkey has exceptional eyesight in the day, but not very good at night...and, they can run up to 25 mph, and fly up to 55 mph?  Don't you feel smart now that you've been educated about wild turkeys?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Springfield High School Talent Show

 This happened just before Spring Break, but I just now got the video.  (My batteries went dead during the performance, so I had to get a copy from the school, of which, I think the cameraman was a little distracted in the beginning!)  Anyway, McKay auditioned and was one of the twelve chosen to perform that night.  He sang an original song he wrote about Pikachu.  He actually wrote the song the night before auditions.  Where does he get this from?!  He also made his own costume to look like Ash Ketchum.  He sewed his own shirt, without a pattern, and made all the other props and accessories.  Enjoy...

And the winner is....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Fun!

Yesterday we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.  Ben's two little nieces came over, which made it more fun for Hyrum.  It was a beautiful day and they had lots of fun.


As you can see, this was a fairly easy egg hunt!

I know these are weeds, put they are kind of pretty!

And they're off!!

Some eggs were even hidden under the trampoline.

Hyrum was quite the gentleman and even retrieved some of the eggs for the girls.

This is usually where we hear one of Hyrum's signature sayings...
"Uh, people, could I get a little help here!"  (Seriously, he says this quite often!)

It's a good thing all those weeds are growing well in the flower beds.
Otherwise, is would have been hard to hide the eggs!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hyrum + Camera = Silliness!

I was going through some old pictures today when I came across these pictures taken by Hyrum at age six.  You might ask, "What does a six year-old take pictures of?"  Well, let me show you...

Three pictures of the floor.  (I guess that stain on the carpet was pretty cool!)

Four pictures of the bed.

One picture of the remote (of which has mysteriously vanished....haven't seen it anywhere!)

One picture of the contact lens case.

One picture of the lightbulb.

Six pictures of the spinning ceiling fan.

Forty-seven pictures of the TV show you were watching!
Yep, that's right, forty-seven!

One picture of your hand.

One awesome picture of your eyeball....really close-up!

And seven really goofy pictures of your face!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Serving in Brazil

Ammon was able to get on the blog the other day and told me we were past due for a post on him....and he's right!  I always figured that since I forward his weekly emails to a group of people, that everyone knows how he's doing.  But then I realized that not everyone gets the emails, so here goes....

He just passed his year mark, I can't believe how fast the time is going!
As goes tradition, he burned a shirt.

He has spent time as a district leader and a trainer....
working his companion hard, uh, maybe too hard!

He spends A LOT of time bikes or cars on this mission!

He loves getting mail and packages!

The Brazilians are "crazy for pancakes,"
so he cooks for them whenever he can.

He has endured all kinds of's pretty unpredictable.

And, he's getting pretty good at speaking Portuguese!