It's mating season for the turkeys and this is becoming quite the pick up joint! Can't you just hear the three tom's on the hill?
Tom #1..."Wow, check out the feathers on that hen!"
Tom #2..."I don't know, I'm kind of a beak guy myself."
Tom #3..."Me...I like the legs. Those are some pretty good lookin' drumsticks!"
(Click on the picture to see them better.)
And check out this guy....he's really struttin' his stuff!
Our friend has been feeding the turkeys and now there's about 40 of them that come around. In about a month or so, we should get some good pictures of the cute little poults (which is turkey talk for chicks!) Did you know that a turkey has exceptional eyesight in the day, but not very good at night...and, they can run up to 25 mph, and fly up to 55 mph? Don't you feel smart now that you've been educated about wild turkeys?