Last night was the ward harvest carnival. We had a chili cook-off, kid's games by the YM and YW, and trunk or treating in the parking lot. It was well attended and lots of fun. As always, we had fun dressing up in costume....

On the lam from the coppers!

Monty "The Saint" Luke with his Jazz Baby.

Puttin' on the Ritz.

Wind Waker Link

Ammon, who said he dressed as a lazy teenager who doesn't do anything. And, Moroni, dressed as a pirate, helping with the Malachi's Tithing Toss game. BTW, McKay was Luke Skywalker, but unfortunately, no pictures :-(

The Wandering Children of Israel cookie walk (because it always seemed like they were going in circles!)

The Lion's Den bean bag toss.

Jonah and the Whale fishing game.