Saturday, April 9, 2011

Serving in Brazil

Ammon was able to get on the blog the other day and told me we were past due for a post on him....and he's right!  I always figured that since I forward his weekly emails to a group of people, that everyone knows how he's doing.  But then I realized that not everyone gets the emails, so here goes....

He just passed his year mark, I can't believe how fast the time is going!
As goes tradition, he burned a shirt.

He has spent time as a district leader and a trainer....
working his companion hard, uh, maybe too hard!

He spends A LOT of time bikes or cars on this mission!

He loves getting mail and packages!

The Brazilians are "crazy for pancakes,"
so he cooks for them whenever he can.

He has endured all kinds of's pretty unpredictable.

And, he's getting pretty good at speaking Portuguese!

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